â™Ļī¸Store and Ranks

On the BoxxyMC store, you can buy five exclusive ranks for special permission to use certain commands. You can also buy Coins, which are used for backpacks and a few other unlocks. (/coinshop ingame). Visit it here:

Each rank comes with a custom prefix and kit, along with the perks of the rank behind it. Most ranks are pay-to-skip, meaning a lot of the perks you can get by grinding coins in-game or levelling up through our /levels system.


/Back - Return to last location

/Recipe - See the recipe for an item

/Feed - Replenish your health

/Disposal - Delete items easily

/Near - See nearby players

/Craft - Open a virtual crafting table

/Enderchest - Open a virtual ender chest

/Ptime - Change your visual time

Infinite Homes

/Fly - Fly around as if in Creative mode.

/Pweather - Change your visual weather

/Repair - Fix an item

Each rank also comes with a certain amount of coins, which you can check out on the store page!

Last updated